Duke Brazil Initiative Grants

Call for Proposals
Undergraduate, Graduate Student and Faculty Research Grants from the Duke Brazil Initiative
(to guarantee timely consideration submit by Friday, March 24, 2023 by 5:00 PM)


The Duke Brazil Initiative (DBI) is offering research grants for both individual and group projects focused on Brazil. We particularly encourage proposals that align with ongoing activities or signature initiatives of the DBI—social mobility and education, energy and environment, arts and curation, public health, race and culture—although new ideas from any discipline are welcomed. 

Applications will be accepted from Duke University faculty as well as graduate, undergraduate, and professional students. Priority will be given to projects that involve collaboration with Brazilian institutions and scholars, or which lead to student participation in or the writing of senior honors theses, Master’s projects, or dissertations. Basic to intermediate Portuguese language is preferred. If you do not speak Portuguese, you will be required to show how your proposed research can still be conducted successfully. 

What is the award amount? When should the research take place? The awards will range from $500 to $3,000. Recipients are expected to stay for a minimum of 12 days. The exchange should take place between May and November of 2023. 

What is expected of a grant applicant? Grant recipients will be expected to: 


  1. Submit complete proposal in one Word document (.docx) by the deadline. 
  2. Keep records of expenses and turn in receipts within two weeks of returning to Duke. 
  3. Turn in a 4- to 5-page summary of research one month after field work. 
  4. Assist in extending Duke’s visibility within Brazil and among Brazilians abroad. 
  5. Applicants are encouraged to apply to other sources of funding.

What needs to be included in the proposal? 

  1. A tentative budget and rationale for the project and its participants; the narrative (no more than 750 words) should detail the research or academic, pedagogical, or artistic project and why the Brazil grant is important to achieve these goals. A list of potential institutional partners and/or personal contacts in Brazil is highly encouraged with some discussion of how you intend to pursue this project once you return from Brazil; and 
  2. Duke participant(s) CVs or resumes; 
  3. Letter/email of support from a faculty mentor (Can be in a separate email from application and must be submitted by the deadline). 

Proposals should be submitted in one Word document as Firstname_Lastname_DBI_Grant

Please send application materials to courtney.crumpler@duke.edu
The Duke Brazil Initiative (DBI) is co-sponsored by the Office of Global Affairs and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Website: http//latinamericancaribean.duke.edu/signature-programs/duke-brazil-initiative

  • Humanities
  • Social Science
  • Summer