10th Annual Black Doctoral Network Conference

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The Black Doctoral Network welcomes current undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students, students of professional degree programs (e.g. medical, law, dental, pharmacy), and postdoctoral scholars of all racial and ethnic backgrounds to participate in our poster session at the 10th Annual Black Doctoral Network Conference themed: Black Excellence, Brilliant Minds: The Power of Diversity to be held on October 27-29, 2022 in Atlanta, GA. If you have a research project, thesis, or dissertation you would like to present as a poster at a professional conference, the poster session is a good opportunity for you to showcase your academic work and receive feedback from scholars in a friendly and engaging environment. Undergraduate students are invited to participate in the Undergraduate Research Poster Competition.

Benefits of Participation:

  • Obtain experience in presenting theoretical and scientific research in a virtual setting
  • Gain exposure and feedback for your work
  • Develop skills in effective communication for an academic audience
  • Meet students and faculty from graduate programs across the country
  • Connect with academic and industry professionals for mentoring opportunities
  • Chance to win prizes (Undergraduate Research Poster Competition participants only)

Submission Information

We welcome submissions from current undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students, students of professional degree programs, as well as postdoctoral scholars (as of Fall 2022) from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. Poster submissions are welcome from any academic discipline. Previously accepted posters were in the areas of STEM, humanities, and the social sciences (e.g. education, fine arts, environmental science, biology, business, sociology, and health). The submission details must include the title of the poster, purpose of the project, methodology and theories, tables/figures (if available), results/conclusions (if available), and references.

Decision Notifications

The Black Doctoral Network Conference Committee will send decision notifications starting September 1 and on a weekly basis thereafter. Only one poster may be presented per presenter and one presenter per poster. All presenters must be 18 years or older.

SUBMIT ONLINE: https://blackphdnetwork.submittable.com/submit