Yearly Calendar
A tool to help you maximize campus research experiences:
Fall Semester
- Join the URS listserv!
- Apply for URS fall semester funding: assistantships, independent study, & conference grants
- Attend academic resource week
- Attend "How to Land a Lab" workshop
- Attend URS-sponsored workshops
- Make a DAE appointment to explore your interests and discuss various opportunities
- Talk to current professors about research opportunities if you are interested in their field
- Attend Career Fair or Graduate School Fair
- Look for spring research positions on Muser and Duke Student Employment Website
- Submit IRB applications and work with IRB office to revise and get approval for spring semester projects
- Attend Majors Fair
- Attend Summer Opportunities Fair and begin to think about applications
Winter Break
- Explore summer research programs and opportunities
- Work on/submit Summer program applications
- Visit the Writing Center to get feedback on program applications/personal statements
- Apply for Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval if you are pursuing an independent study project with human subjects
Spring Semester
- Attend Duke Research and Innovation Week activities
- Apply for URS spring semester funding: assistantships, independent study, & conference grants
- Attend URS-sponsored workshops
- Make a DAE appointment to reflect on the year and discuss future directions
- Continue summer program applications
- Apply for URS Deans Summer Research Fellowship
- Submit IRB applications and work with IRB office to revise and get approval for summer and fall research projects
- Talk to current professors about research opportunities if you are interested in their field
- Look for summer & fall research positions on Muser and Duke Student Employment Website
- Present your research and/or attend the Undergraduate Research Symposium
- Attend the Bass Connections Fair
- Attend departmental honors thesis and capstone events and learn about research from peers
Summer Break
- Late May/Early June summer research programs begin
- Take a look back on the year and consider this year's coursework and interests
- Make a plan for pursuing opportunities for next year