Poster Presentations: Sharing your research story
A poster is a great way to share a short, coherent research story which viewers can take in within a few minutes. Poster sessions are the key way that new ideas are shared in many disciplines and are often great ways to get feedback on your work. Below are suggestions, templates, and advice for designing your poster.
- Tips for Effective Academic Posters (Video) (Slides)
Eric E Monson, PhD, Data Visualization Specialist
Center for Data and Visualization Sciences, Duke Libraries
This workshop is occasionally presented live. Take a look here for dates. - Tips for Effective Data Visualization (Video) (Slides)
Eric E Monson, PhD, Data Visualization Specialist
Center for Data and Visualization Sciences, Duke Libraries - General Poster Guidance
- Design Tips and Examples (PPT Download)
- Looking for good color schemes, fonts or the Duke Logo? Visit the Duke Brand Guide.
If you're interested in meeting with someone to get feedback on your poster, contact the Center for Data and Visualization Sciences via
Resources for Printing Posters
- PhDPosters - a Duke-based business run by graduate students. The web site provides excellent advice on design and production - MedMedia Solutions - Local poster printing with free delivery to Duke - FedEx Kinko’s (610 Ninth Street)
(919) 286-1000 - A few science departments own poster printers, but use is typically restricted to departmental users. Check with your mentor.
URS Conference Grants
Up to $400 for students to present the results of their Duke research at a national or regional meeting of a professional organization. Click here for more information.
Thanks to Eric Monson for assistance in organizing academic poster resources for Duke students.
Last updated: 1/22/2021