Below is a list of programs, opportunities, and grants offered by various departments at Duke. Follow the links or visit the department website for more information.
URS Funding for Summer Research:
- URS Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program
- In-person summer program for rising Sophomore Duke students in Biological, Brains, Behavior Research or Social Science/Humanities Research.
- URS Deans' Summer Research Fellowship
- Fellowship for rising Junior and Senior Duke students working towards a senior thesis.
Summer Programs for Duke Students:
Other Grants and Awards:
All Disciplines
- URS Assistantship Grant
- Assistantship Grants provide funds for wages for students to assist faculty on a research project. Funding is available for all disciplines.
- URS Conference Grant
- Conference Grants are used to attend and/or present research done at a national or regional meeting of a professional organization.
- URS Independent Study Grant
- Independent Study Grants are provided to help defray research expenses for students enrolled in faculty-supervised independent study courses or the equivalent such as thesis and research capstone courses.
Biological and Health Sciences
Physical/Quantitative Sciences, Programming, and Engineering:
Creative Arts and Humanities:
- Center for Documentary Studies Awards
- Undergraduate Research Scholars Program in Jewish Studies
- Duke Dance Awards and Funding
- International Comparative Studies Research Grants
- Human Rights Summer Research Funding
- Dora Anne Little Award
- Benenson Awards in the Arts
- Anne McDougall Memorial Award
- Anne Firor Scott Award
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies Undergraduate Research Grants
- Womens Studies Travel and Conference Awards
- Creative Arts Grants
- Leadership and Arts Policy Internship Grants (LAPI)
Social Sciences:
- Susan Tifft Student Internship Research Grants
- DeWitt Wallace Center Internship Grants
- Winfred Quinton Holton Prize for Educational Research
- Gender and Race Research Award
- Psi Chi Research Grants and Awards
- Sanford Fellowships
Interdisciplinary/Project Dependent:
- Career Center Internship Funding
- Global Education Office Scholarships and Research Funding
- Duke University Libraries Summer Research Grant
Position Listings:
Biological and Health Sciences
- Psychology and Neuroscience Research Opportunities
- Snyderman Scholars Applied Genomics & Precision Medicine Summer Program
- Duke Department of Surgery's Research Opportunities for Undergraduate Students
Physical/Quantitative Sciences, Programming, and Engineering:
- Computer Science Research Opportunities
- Physics Department Opportunities
- Chemistry Research Opportunities
- Pratt Engineering Opportunities
Creative Arts and Humanities:
Social Sciences:
- Economics Department Assistantships and Fellowships
- Sanford School of Public Policy Internships
- Center for Health Policy and Inequalities Research Internships
Biological and Health Sciences
- Summer Neuroscience Program in Research (NPR)*
- Summer Undergraduate Research in Pharmacology & Cancer Biology (SURPH)*
- MGM Summer Undergraduate Research Engagement (MGM SURE)*
- PRIME PUMP Program from The Office of Physician-Scientist Development
- Huang Fellows Program*
- Summer Biochemistry Undergraduate Research Fellowships*
- Bridging the Gap to Enhance Clinical Research Program (BIGGER)
- Global Health Institute Student Research Training Program
- Amgen Scholars Program*
- Repass Rodgers Scholars Program
- Scholars in Marine Medicine
- Rachel Carson Scholars Program
- STAR Program*
Physical/Quantitative Sciences, Programming, and Engineering:
- Math+
- National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenge Scholar Program
- PRUV Fellowship in Mathematics*
- Data+*
- Research Experience for Undergraduates at Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory*
- Story+*
Creative Arts and Humanities:
Social Sciences:
- Kenan Summer Fellows*
- Center for Child and Family Policy School Research Partnership
- Service Opportunities in Leadership* Academic year and Summer components
Interdisciplinary/Project Dependent:
(* indicates a summer program)