Deans' Summer Research Fellowship Stories: Annie Cui

In the Summer of 2023, Annie Cui (2024) was awarded a URS Deans' Summer Research Fellowship award to study of COVID-19's impact on students' choices of majors, careers, and priorities under the guidance and mentorship of Dr. Nick Carnes.

Annie was able to interview numerous students, advisors, professors and staff members on their experiences of the pandemic, their perception of student trajectory before, during, and after the pandemic, as well as their personal experiences of choosing majors and career pathways.

"Through the DSRF-supported interviews, I gained insights into students and advisors' experiences of major selection and was able to finish the advisor interview component. I am now writing my analysis section of the paper, and I hope to finish my paper by the end of this semester," Annie reflected to URS. "The DSRF funding also allowed me to embark on a new chapter of the research project and provided me the opportunity to broaden my understanding of participant experiences and also the funds needed to undergo quantitative and qualitative analysis trainings."

In her next steps, Annie plans to work on publishing her research paper. 

Are you a rising junior or a senior and interested in doing research over the summer? Check out our URS Deans' Summer Research Fellowship to see if you are eligible to apply for funding.