Each year, NC Space Grant competitively awards Undergraduate Research Scholarships to students who are pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields that support NASA’s Mission Directorates.
The Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program requires that students participate in an active, defined research activity in STEM that has NASA Mission Directorate applications, inclusive of commercial space and/or at the U.S. National Lab on the International Space Station (ISS).
The research should be supervised by a faculty mentor, and may be conducted virtually, on the home campus in accordance with university policies, and/or at an industrial or government facility.
The research activity will be conducted over the course of a 12-month period, commencing June 1, 2023 and ending no later than May 31, 2024.
This is a competitive scholarship program. Awards are based on merit, recognizing high academic achievement and promise.
NC Space Grant will grant $8,000 per student for up to 10 student awards. Funding for related travel should be considered within the total award package.
Awards are contingent upon receipt of NASA funding and the quality of submitted proposals.
Find more information at: https://ncspacegrant.ncsu.edu/higher-ed-opportunities/undergraduate-res…