Background & Facts


Launched in 2006, the Amgen Scholars Program aims to inspire the next generation of innovators by providing undergraduate students with hands-on summer research opportunities at premier educational and research institutions across the globe.

With the expansion being announced on November 1, 2018, Amgen Scholars will now be hosted at 24 top institutions across the U.S., Europe, Japan, and for the first time, China, Singapore, Australia and Canada. The Amgen Foundation will commit more than $21 million to the Amgen Scholars Program through 2022, totaling a $74 million investment over 16 years. The program provides greater access and opportunity for undergraduate students to engage in cutting-edge research, be mentored by world-renowned scientists, and deepen their understanding of medical biotechnology. Financial support for students is also a critical component of the program, which seeks to ensure that eligible students, regardless of their financial status, can participate.

During their time as Amgen Scholars, students will:

  • Take part in important research projects at their host institutions, gaining hands-on lab experience and contributing to the advancement of science.
  • Be mentored by faculty, including some of the world’s leading research scientists.
  • Attend scientific seminars, workshops and other networking events, including regional summer symposiums where students will come together to share their research projects, learn about biotechnology and hear first-hand from leading industry and academic scientists.

Fast Facts

  • The Amgen Foundation has committed $74 million over 16 years to making these opportunities possible for undergraduates.
  • Now hosted at 24 premier institutions worldwide, Amgen Scholars have represented over 700 colleges and universities to date.
  • 3,906 Alumni (57% have been female).
  • Of those alumni who have completed their undergraduate studies, nearly 900 are currently pursuing an advanced graduate degree in a scientific field, and another 280 have earned their Ph.D. or M.D.-Ph.D.
  • More than 500 alumni are employed in scientific fields across 33 countries.
  • 99 percent of 1,303 alumni recently surveyed say the program impacted their academic or professional direction.
  • Alumni are employed in scientific fields across 36 U.S. states/territories and 32 additional countries.

Amgen Scholars Program Host Institutions by Region 

*Indicates New Host Institution for 2019

United States

  • California Institute of Technology, Columbia University, Duke University,* Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University,* National Institutes of Health, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, UC Los Angeles, UC San Francisco, UT Southwestern Medical Center,* Washington University St. Louis, Yale University*


  • ETH Zurich, Institut Pasteur, Karolinska Institute, LMU Munich, University of Cambridge


  • Kyoto University, National University of Singapore,* Tsinghua University,* The University of Tokyo


  • University of Melbourne*


  • University of Toronto*