URS Conference Stories: Anya Gupta

anya gupta conference

This Fall semester, Anya Gupta (2024) used a URS Conference Grant to attend and present at the Geologic Society of America's Annual Conference.

At the conference, Anya presented her senior thesis project, mentored by Alan Boudreau, which loos at the petrogenesis of an ore bearing zone on the Stillwater Complex, Montana.

"This conference was wonderful, because I got to connect with industry professionals, professors at other universities, and other students studying the geologic sciences," Anya reflected to URS. "It was really wonderful seeing practical applications of my research to sectors in the public and private industries, particularly in mining, and critical mineral an element discovery and characterization."

Are you interested about presenting your research work at a conference? Check out our URS Conference Grants to see if you are eligible to apply for funding.