URS Conference Stories: Griffin Storm

This Fall semester, Griffin Storm (2026) used a URS Conference Grant to attend and present at the UNC Water & Health Conference.

Griffin is currently beginning his first research portfolio under the Hart Leadership Program. His project explores the history of the privatization of water, and what role privatization has (if any) in current times.

"The conference was extremely informative -- the privatization of water is inevitable, especially where water goes untreated and unmanaged by governments. It exposed me to the growing belief and reasoning for public-private partnerships to distribute HWTS (household water treatment systems) with government subsidized vouchers as a partial solution to the global water crisis," Griffin noted. "The conference was attended by a mixture of African government officials, private consulting firms, and NGOs. It was extremely informative for my portfolio and my continued interest in water policy"

Are you interested about presenting your research work at a conference? Check out our URS Conference Grants to see if you are eligible to apply for funding.